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Youth Group
Study Group

Sunday School

Jesus said, “let the little children come to me…for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” The ministry of Good Shepherd is aimed at all ages, but especially, children and youth. All children/youth (Preschool through 8th Grade) are invited to take part in Bible stories, discussion, activities, snack!


Vacation Bible School (VBS)

VBS is usually held the third week in June. Look for upcoming registration and more info in Spring, 2025.  



Confirmation Class will begin on Monday, September 14 at 6:30 pm. There will be a brief orientation meeting with parents and students following the first class on Sept. 14th.


Didache Class 

Didache (did-ah-KAY) is greek for "teaching". Paster  Verage is starting Didache class on Monday, 9/14 at 5:15 pm. Didache is for anyone curious about the Christian faith or Lutheranism or about membership. If you are interested, please attend. 

Youth Group

There is so much distraction and temptation for the young Christian today. It is all the more important that our youth are grounded in the Christian faith – that they are prepared for a lifetime of hearing God’s Word and gladly serving their neighbor.


Youth Group meets monthly. Discussions center on the Bible’s answer to today’s many “hot-button” issues. There’s always food and fun with fellow Lutheran youth, both within the congregation and from sister congregations nearby.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (LCMS)

4311 104th St. Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158


Phone: 262-694-4405     Fax: 262-694-0964

Church Office Email:



2025 Copyright Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

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