Ways to serve the Lord:
Altar Guild:
The Altar Guild is responsible for the upkeep and proper maintenance of the Altar area of the church. Duties include making sure banners and linens are clean and ready for worship, hang proper paraments for service, set and fill Communion vessels for the Lords Supper, polish all furnishings, prepare candles for lighting, and vacuum and generally prepare the Altar area for worship.
Ladies of Good Shepherd: (LOGS)
Ladies of Good Shepherd is an organization in which all ladies of the church are eligible to be members. The ladies work on service projects around Good Shepherd that include work both at home and abroad. Some of the events the ladies work on is rummage and bake sales, dinners, cleaning, as well as many other things.
Church Council:
Church Council is the leadership body of the congregation. The members that make up the council are the chairmen of each of the sub-boards of the Church.
The board of trustees is responsible for the care and upkeep of the Church property. They work to fix and repair the facility in or to keep the facility safe and in good operating condition. Some of the duties of the trustees includes snow plowing, grass cutting, trimming bushes, yard clean up, furnace upkeep, and general upkeep.
The Board of Elders is the organization that is responsible for the spiritual affairs of the congregation as spiritual leader of the congregation. Some of the duties include checking church worship and its conduct, serving the Sacrament, making calls to members, and generally assisting the Pastor.
Board of Education:
The Board of Education is a board that oversees, governs, and guides all Christian educational activities. These educational activities include Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, youth group, and Christmas programs.
School Board:
The school board is the board that oversees, governs, and guides all Christian educational activities in regards to the Christian day school. These educational activities include the childcare center, the preschool, and the grade school.
The Board of Evangelism in the board that works closely with the Pastor to examine, seek out, and visit prospective members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Youth Group:
The Shepherds Flock is a Christian club for youth who are in the Confirmation class and older. Activities which the youth group participate in include pizza parties, lock ins, ice skating, bowling, service projects, and many more.

Ways to Give to
Good Shepherd
Your everyday purchases can help support our church and early childhood center when you purchase script cards. Scrip program (gift cards) give a percentage back to the Church and ECC and are available in different denominations which may be used at a variety of businesses from:
• Restaurants
• Gas Stations
• Grocery Stores
• Home Improvement Stores
• Clothing stores
• General Merchandise
• Chain stores
All SCRIP will be purchased online. You will have the choice of purchasing physical cards, eGift cards or rechargable cards. If you would like to participate, please send your email address to goodshepherdtreasurer@gmail.com to receive an "Invite" with an email link where you can set up your account.