Bible Study: The Book of Hebrews
The Book of Hebrews
Chapter 10
9 June 2019
READ 10:1-4
What is the law a “shadow of?”
What, therefore can’t it do?
Does this make the law and the sacrifices offered according to it, useless?
What is the point of the law? What is the end of the law?
READ 10:5-10
If God doesn’t want sacrifices and burnt offerings, what does He desire?
What is God’s will?
Who accomplishes it?
What do we receive through His work? How does this relate to the law?
READ 10:11-17
What did Christ do after offering Himself for our sins?
What does this sacrifice do for us?
How does the text from Jeremiah 31:33 bear this out?
What happens to the sin and guilt offerings when there is forgiveness of sins?