Bible Study: Romans 8:26-39
The Book of Romans
3 June 2018
READ 8:26-30
What does the Holy Spirit do for us, and why is this so important?
According to what does He intercede for us?
What is the purpose of God?
How does He accomplish that?
For whom did Jesus suffer and die?
Did He know that some would reject Him?
What does it mean, then, to be predestined?
READ 8:31-36
Does the Christian have anything to fear in the battle against sin, death, and the Devil?
Why not? What did God do that gives us the victory?
What becomes of our sin? Death?
Can anything or anyone take salvation away from us?
READ 8:37-39
How can you be “more than conquerors?”
How do Paul’s words bring us comfort when it appears like sin, death, and devil have us defeated?